Board Member

Mr. Mohammed Ali Al Fannah
Chairman of The Investment,
Nomination And Remuneration Committee
Mr. Mohammed Ali Mohammed Al Fannah has a degree in International Affairs from the Webster University, United States. He served in the diplomatic corps of Oman for 32 years and represented Oman in the United Nation. He also served as the deputy representative of Oman to the United Nations Office in Austria for more than 5 years. He has served as board member, member of audit and investment committees, Managing Director and Chairman of several public joint stock companies for more than 20 years. He is now the Chairman of Gulf Plastic Industries SAOC, which is one of the leading manufacturers of petrochemical downstream products. He is also the Chairman of the Investment, Nomination & Remuneration Committee in A’Sharqiya Investment Holding Company SAOG. He has been on the Board since 2009. He has three sons and two daughters, all of whom hold master’s degree. The students who were taught by him are at present holding the rank of senior officials in the State, including as ministers and judges.

Sheikh Saleh Ahmed
Mohamed Al Harthy
Vice- Chairman,
Chairman Of The Audit Committee
Sheikh Saleh is a B.Sc. Computer Science graduate from American University, Washington D.C. He was the Director General in the General Secretariat to the Cabinet, a position he has held since 2009 until 2021. From 1991 to till date he has held various positions in the field of Information Technology. He has been on the Board since 2004.

Mr. Bader Mohammed Rashid Al Araimi
Member of The Audit Committee
Mr. Bader Mohammed Rashid Al Araimi is the Managing Director of Al Siraj Holdings SAOC. He holds B.Sc. Honours Degree in Business Information Systems, Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. He has also completed Masters Degree MA Global Finance Management, Regents Business School, London, United Kingdom. He started his career with HSBC on the Graduate Programme where he was selected as best performer and have been sent to United Kingdom on a Leadership Training Programme in HSBC London HQ. After completing 2 years with the bank he went on to pursue his Masters Degree, thereon he started up new ventures Al Siraj Logistics in Sohar free Zone and AjwanSalalah hotel apartments. He is currently Board Of Director of A’Sharqia Investment and Holding SAOG, TravelPoint LLC, Al Siraj Holdings SAOC, Al Siraj Hospitality LLC, ATPC LLC, Delta International Projects & Engineering LLC, Al Siraj Logistics LLC.

Mr. Subrata Mitra
Member Of The Investment,
Nomination And Remuneration Committee
Mr. Subrata Mitra has a Masters in Risk Management from the NYU Stern School of Business, an MBA in Finance from the IBA, the Dhaka University and a Masters in Accounting (with Honors) from the Dhaka University. He has over 25 years of experience in multi asset portfolio management, traded securities (stock, bonds and commodities), derivatives, private credits, private equity/ alternative investments and fund management. He had worked for major multi-lateral and multinational organizations that include International Financial Corporation (IFC), World Bank, Royal Dutch Shell, and Global Investment House, Kuwait. Closed/ managed investment of over USD 1 billion and managed a USD 500 million
private equity fund listed on the London Stock Exchange. He held several senior management positions and board membership of listed and unlisted companies in financial (includes an Islamic bank of Malaysia promoted by Qatar Islamic Bank) and manufacturing sectors of several countries. He has been member of the Board since 2017.

Mr. Mubarak Juma Mubarak Al Habsi
Member Of The Investment,
Nomination And Remuneration Committee
Mr. Mubarak Al-Habsi is currently the Section Head of Follow up and Settlement at the Investment Department in PASI, with over 20 years of experience in finance and investment operations management. He represents PASI on
the Board of Advisory at Rakiza Fund and board member at A’Sharqiyah Investment Holding Company S.A.O.G and National Real Estate Development & Investment Company S.A.O.C. He holds a Master of Science degree in Investment Management from Coventry University, United Kingdom.

Ms. Fidwa Salim Said Al Fannah Al Araimi
Ms. Fadwa has a degree in Accounting. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Gulf Plastics Industries Co (SAOC) and Al Fajar Al Alamia Co (SAOG). She also serves as a director in the National University of Science & Technology. She has been member of the Board since 2018.

Mr. Asim Al Ghailani
Director, Member of the Audit Committee
Mr. Asim Al Ghailani is the Managing Director of Salim International Investment Holding Co. LLC. He holds a MSc in Investment Management (With Honor) from Bangor University, UK 2015 and a Bachelor degree in Finance from Oman in 2008. Asim is a well-qualified, detail oriented and results focused professional with rich experience of more than 20 years in strategic planning and managing investment portfolios across asset classes including Real Estate. Currently, Mr. Asim is a non-executive director of A’Saffa Foods SAOG. He has also served as a non-executive director of listed companies as well as LLC companies in Oman and GCC. He has been member of the Board since 2020.
The board has a unique role in representing the interests of shareholders. A’Sharqiya Investment Company is governed by a board of Directors elected by its shareholders. The Board is responsible for setting the mission and laying the objectives of the company and for guiding it towards their fulfillment. The Board is assisted by certain Committees in its functioning. These Committees include the Audit Committee and Investment Committee.
These Committees have members from among the members of the Board. The Board and the Committees meet periodically to discuss and decide upon the matters within their framework and facilitates the management of the company.
A group of investors with a mission for the development of the Sharqiya region promoted a new company through which the benefits can be spread across a wide section of the society. It was agreed by the investors that this mission could be best achieved through a public limited company Accordingly, the investors decided to incorporate a public limited company for promoting new projects and for contributing to the development of the region.
A public limited company under the name of A’Sharqiya Investment Holding Co. SAOG was formed in 1998 with a paid-up capital of RO 6 million. Of this, the original investors (founders) contributed to 60% of the capital and the rest 40% was offered to the public. The public issue was oversubscribed about 25 times in 1998. The shares are listed and traded on the Muscat Securities Market.